for those who don't want to just wait it out

like the song says this is a blog for someone who wants to say something (anything) and who's happy to wait and see what time will bring...

Wednesday, March 22, 2006

Suicide is painless ( the song says)

I reckon that M*A*S*H has got to have been the best TV series ever created. The movie was ok - but it's nothing compared to the delight, humor and heartache that can be seen throughout the 10 seasons that it was on air for (so far I own 9 of the seasons). If you haven't seen it - where have you been? If you haven't experienced the comedic talents of Hawkeye, Clinger, Trapper, Radar, Hot Lips or BJ and co then you are missing out. For those who don't share my enthusiasm - well then I'm tempted to say shame on you! M*A*S*H created history when, on it's last episode to air, the sewerage system in New York was flooded because everyone was holding on til it was finished. In a world where everytime you turn on the TV we're bombarded with violence, gratuitous sex scenes, drugs, materialism (need I go on?) it's so relieving to be able to watch something that combines comments on humanity and humor - why did that have to go?

And just so you know, if Hawkeye was a Christian and not a womanising alcoholic, then I think he'd be close to my perfect guy. So long, farewell and amen...


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