Can you hear His voice?
But I did get through some of the books and one of them has been Walking With God by John Eldredge. Although there were a few things that I was left questioning, and sometimes just downright disagreeing with (especially towards the second half and end of the book) in the opening chapters I came across a section that I thought might spark some interest. It interested me because lately it's a topic that I've been thinking through, because of things that I've been challenged by and as I try to discern some areas and directions that He might be guiding me towards. Here goes:
Now, I know, I know - the prevailing beliefe is that God speaks to His people only through the Bible. And let me make this clear: He does speak to us first and foremost through the Bible. That is the basis for our relationship. The Bible is the eternal and unchanging Word of God to us. It is such a gift, to have right there in black and white God's thoughts towards us. We know right off the bat that any other supposed revelation from God that contradicts the bible is not to be trusted. So I am not minimising in any way the authority of the Scripture or the fact that God speaks to us through the Bible.
However, many Christians believe that God only speaks to us through the Bible.
The irony of that beliefe is that's not what the bible says.
The bible is filled with stories of God talking to His people (Abraham Gen 24:7, Moses Ex 33:11, Aaron Ex 6:13, David 2 Sam 2:1, Noah, Samuel, Gideon...)
I can hear the objections even now: "But that was different. Those were special people called to special tasks." And we are not special people called to special tasks? I refuse to believe that. And I doubt that you want to believe it either, in your hearts of hearts...
Now, if God doesn't also speak to us, why would He have given us all these stories of Him speaking to others? "Look - here are hundreds of inspiring and hopeful stories about how God spoke to His people in this and that situation. Isn't it amazing? But you can't have that. He doesn't speak like that anymore." That makes no sense at all. Why would God give you a book of exceptions? This is how I used to relate to my people but I don't do that anymore. What good would a book of exceptions do you?
... No, the Bible is a book of examples of what it looks like to walk with God. To say that He doesn't offer that to us is disheartening. It is also unbiblical. The Bible says that we hear Gods voice:
He wakes me morning by morning, wakens my ear to listen like one being taught (Is 50:4)
For He is our God and we are he people of His pasture, the flock of His care (Ps 95:7)
Today if you hear His voice do not harden your hearts (Ps 95:7-8)
John 10:2-4, 14-16
...An intimate, conversational walk with God is available. Is normal even. Or, at least, it is meant to be normal. I'm well aware that the majority of people do not enjoy that... yet. But it is certainly what God desires and what He offers. My assumption is based on the nature of God and the nature of man made in His image. We are communicators. My assumption is also based on the nature of relationship - it also requires communication. It is based on the long record of God speaking to His people of various tasks in all sorts of situations.
And finally, it is based on the teachings of Jesus, who tells us that we hear His voice.
p's 13-18
How does this fit in with your understanding of the character of God and your reading of Scripture?
For now I'll leave you with an experience of my own. It was a few years ago now and I was with a team of students at a local church doing some things with them after NTE. It had been a long week, I was tired, certainly grumpy and seriously doubting myself and my own 'abilities' in ministry and whether I should be doing what I was/am. I was feeling the weight of my own sinful impatience with things and certainly didn't want to be up the front of the gathering leading the service but at the last minute I had to fill in for someone and do it. At the end of the service I had no less than 6 people come up to me and say something along the lines of "Thanks for doing that, we were really encouraged, you're obviously where God wants you to be..."
In the confused mindset that I was in I thought to myself "God, perhaps you're trying to speak to me through these people. I'm going to just sit outside and pray for a bit to discern if you're using these people to communicate with me."
On my way outside though I noticed a member of the church, Malcolm, was just sitting on his own. Now, what you need to understand is that Malcolm is in a wheelchair with quite severe physical and mental handicaps. His communication throughout the week was limited and stilted at best. But as I was walking outside I thought "Well, I can't just leave Malcolm sitting there on his own - I'll pray later" and sat down with him. Within a minute or two of a few words Malcolm turned to me and in the clearest voice I'd heard him use all week said "Isn't it great how God uses others to speak to us sometimes?".
It was, to say the least, unnerving and I still get goose bumps when I think about it. I've had other experiences similar to this one recently - things that cannot be explained away as 'random' or 'coincidences' which is what my sometimes cynical mind would like to do.
But you tell me - what does it say about the character of our God that He deigned, with all of His love and sovereignty, to communicate with us, His little creatures, in such a way?
At 8:08 pm, symo said…
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At 8:10 pm, symo said…
Wow… where to start? My main critique towards that excerpt was his comment “that makes no sense at all”… That’s a terrible basis to explain God’s will with, considering that a lot of His things don’t, at the present time ‘make sense’… Other than that, I generally agree with what he is saying.
God talks to me all the time – and I don’t want to say that flippantly. For me, it is perfectly normal to talk to God and to hear His voice reply… sometimes it is in the Bible, but often it is through things that happen or through Him speaking to my heart.
I am slowly reading a book called Holy Hunches – Responding to the promptings of God, by Bruce Main. He talks about how God often talks to us, telling us to do things, which we often rationalise away with our own excuses, and therefore don’t do. He calls them ‘hunches’ as most people he talked to called them ‘feelings’ or ‘hunches’ from God – in other words, God was speaking to them. Basically, the book looks at several inspiring examples of people who have followed their hunches, and in doing so, amazing things have happened. It also breaks down the reasons why we don’t follow those hunches.
That is an incredible story about Malcolm (and Law & Order); and, for me, combined with my own experiences, and the fact that God did talk to people in the Bible, I would definitely say that, yes, He does speak to people.
I got home from Bible-study last night, parked the car in the garage and walked outside, looking up at the stars, and just imagined myself, this tiny fraction of a pin-head on a golf ball that is the Earth, in God’s hand (if the nations/world are like dust in His hand, then what are we). But I just stood there, awed by the magnitude of God, and the insignificance of us, but the fact that He still loves us, and knows our thoughts! It’s just incredible. God is awesome. And it just struck me now (see, what is the Holy Spirit doing, if not talking to us!?!?!) (i.e. example just then..!) that Jesus, by coming to Earth, transcended that distance, made Himself tiny, to die… for us little people… How beautiful and how amazing. Thankyou Lord!
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