Up in the air
I haven’t seen the new George Clooney movie yet, but I’m beginning to think I might be able to identify with a couple of the themes. You know you’re spending a bit of time on the move when the airline attendants can greet you by name before they look at your boarding card (to be fair, there is a set crew that’s on the run that I do and I am one of the few blonde passengers) and the staff at the place I get my coffee at in Dubai airport smile with the familiarity of my predictable order of a latte and fruit salad… I’m finding myself in an unusual category that I never expected to be in, that’s for sure…
I knew being on this side of the world would mean a fair bit of travel to meet with and learn from different people but I don’t think I realised just how much! And it’s funny how there’s actually always more that you could do… more people to meet, more to see, more to ask questions of, more to learn, more… more… more…. The trick is learning when to say “no, thankyou”.
One thing that I haven’t said no to, which is what finds me back at the airport this morning, is a trip to Jordan and Syria to meet with some co-workers who might end up being my trainers in the latter half of the year. I was able to have a too quick breakfast with them in Melbourne a month ago and was struck by their joy, humility, generosity and passion. So when they invited me to come and join them for a few days to see first hand some of the work that they do (they’ve worked in the ME for the last 10-15 years), and to meet with some of their friends I jumped at the chance.
They are back here to finish up some things, take a team of aussies on a month long teaching trip (which is who I will be joining and spending some time with over the next week) and ship back the rest of their things to Melbourne.
I’ll be honest, I can’t decide if I’m more excited to see Petra (among other things, land of Indiana Jones) or Damascus (among other things, the setting of some of Paul’s escapades) … or just what will be unveiled in late night conversations (tomorrow we’re staying in a Bedouin tent in the Jordan desert) but I’m thankful that I get to have both.
The thing about travel and a life on the move is that it can be incredibly superficial – whether it’s the relationships or the experiences. While I have this time over here, while I see new things and meet with incredible people, I want to pray against just being a sponge that absorbs everything for myself, or like the sliding door that let’s you look in or out as you go through customs… If I’m up in the air, I want to engage with the one who keeps me there and those He puts me in contact with.
Their calling my flight – Amman here I come…
At 6:23 pm, Sharon said…
I just happened to run across your blog and thoroughly enjoy my read. Bless you, dear Jodie! May God use you greatly in what He's called you to do! May you be incredibly intuned to Him... to hear, to feel, and to see. And may He not only rock your world in His calling for you, but may He fan the flames within for all those around you. May you be a Light that shines Him brilliantly! And when He has you flying, may you soar like on the wings of an eagle.
God bless!
At 1:37 pm, Ashish Gorde said…
Don't you think being a sponge has its uses?
Methinks the real danger is in being a sponge and not doing anything with it. If that happens, then, one is most likely to suffer the fate of most unused sponges: going dry and then getting hardened. A wet sponge has to be used because only then can it fulfil the purpose for which a sponge was made. I believe when one is soaked with His word and 'sponged' in His teaching, the next step ought to be reaching out to others, to be a blessing, to share His love and the hope we have, or in other words, to make ourselves available to His leading.
In that sense, airports are a great metaphor for life and the people we meet there - flight attendants and those serving coffee - are fellow travellers in this journey.
The greatest challenge is how effective a witness are we to these people we meet, are we demonstrating our debt to the cross with passion or indifference, in what way is our interaction with them making Christ attractive?
I like the word you've used - engage - because that's where the action is, but the trouble is, to be totally engaged and involved, our commitment has to be total and not in half measures.
All said and done, it's exciting.
By the way, it's a great blog... very challenging and inspiring at the same time.
At 2:57 pm, Tippy said…
Very enjoyable read. I happen to run across this blog and walla I enjoyed it. Keep up the good work.
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