for those who don't want to just wait it out

like the song says this is a blog for someone who wants to say something (anything) and who's happy to wait and see what time will bring...

Monday, July 06, 2009

repenting in dust and ashes... well... mostly dust...

I'm sorry. Bad Bad BAD Blogger... been a crazy month but I'm now safe and sound on the other side of the world. It's great to be back in the Gulf and I'm loving spending time with new friends and old and being able to go back to one of the villages in particular that we were at last year.

For those who want something to look at, head over to my you tube channel to start getting some visual updates.

More later
x j


  • At 8:51 am, Blogger Mark said…

    Go well Jodi!

  • At 4:53 pm, Blogger symo said…

    "bad, bad, BAD blogger"...

    you're forgiven =)

  • At 11:40 pm, Blogger bec said…

    Great videos Jodi! Especially loved the girls dressing you up... "Now I really feel like a Barbie!"

    Hope you are keeping well. Praying for you lots.


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