for those who don't want to just wait it out

like the song says this is a blog for someone who wants to say something (anything) and who's happy to wait and see what time will bring...

Sunday, August 13, 2006

Sideline conversations and Sunday catchups

So it's been a good weekend all-round really. But I have two main highlights to share...

Yesterday (after a long absence) I went back to watch the guys play soccer (well done Emeralds!) and whilst there had an interesting conversation with one of the players, Josh, while sitting on the sideline watching. He was telling me about how he came over to Sydney from WA, and how he had come to CCSI 6:45 and been welcomed by people, had some guys who realised that he liked sport and got him involved in the soccer team.
Basically he was extolling the virtues and the value of many people in the congregation - and it dawned on me how much I take the people that I have fellowship with every week for granted. After a dozen years, I'm used to them being there and being around so I forget how wonderful, and what a blessing, they are.

Is it just me?

It just made me think about how much I need to be thanking God for the people that I get to share fellowship with because, for all of our faults and weaknesses, they really an amazing group of people. It was just nice to be reminded of so I thought I'd share that one...

Then the other thing that I got to do this evening was go and see a much beloved friend, Julie. I've briefly mentioned her before, but for those who don't know her, this is Julie Moser - the woman who I basically credit for brining me into, and teaching me in, the ways of faith and grace through Jesus Christ.
For five years she was my bible study leader and then before heading OS and to college I did a brief stint of ministry with her (and her husband Ken) at the youth group they were at in Oakhurst - before they headed over to Vancouver to continue faithful, gospel, youth ministry there. And I miss them.
So, considering she's one of the people I value most, it was great to see her this arvo.
And now, it's back to preparing for another monday...


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