for those who don't want to just wait it out

like the song says this is a blog for someone who wants to say something (anything) and who's happy to wait and see what time will bring...

Monday, November 27, 2006

It's play time...

Tonight i hit the town with Tim Goldsmith, who (little legend that he is!) helped teach me how to play with my new camera and get some more out of my shots. I was getting the hang of it by the end - here's one of my favourites that i thought i'd share...

Don't we live in a pretty city?


  • At 9:50 am, Blogger James said…

    James Says: Best city in the world...

  • At 4:19 pm, Blogger Justin said…

    Goldsmith inspired.

  • At 6:00 pm, Anonymous Anonymous said…

    Beautiful shot jodi! It is a lovely city, especially at night like that!

    ah yes, tim the master teacher - he's the best teacher of photography ive had anyway hehe....

    I was so disappointed i couldnt join you guys last night :(

  • At 10:58 pm, Anonymous Anonymous said…

    amen to that. hard to mess up a flawless subject... not to take away from your skills. you get what i mean. it's a great picture, jodi. and bring back some shots from NTE. :) x

  • At 10:09 am, Anonymous Anonymous said…

    Can Tim be called "little" anything :P The man is a UNIT!
    Great shot Jodi. Thanks for your prayers for today too, will let you know how I go.

  • At 11:46 pm, Blogger Phil said…

    Indcredible shot Jodi - don't think I know Tim but he must be a really good teacher...or maybe you're a really quick learner...

    anyway very cool

  • At 11:46 pm, Blogger Phil said…

    incredible even!

  • At 10:13 pm, Blogger Goldy said…

    It was all you dude. Just a matter of unleashing that natural talent!


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