Reason #2 - He's just not that
Once you get over the Americanism's and the worldly language, the basic premise of the book is that if a guy is into you - he'll ask you out. Sounds obvious huh (the boys are thinking 'well yes') but, as the infamous Sex and The City episode also said (which is where the book came from and out of) - girls waste hours of time thinking through and trying to understand the strategies of men wondering if the guys are playing a bit of a game. We say things to each other like: he's shy/nervous/intimidated; he's getting over a bad relationship; he's busy with his job/sport/anything else... blah blah blah. The author (a straight shooting male) says that this is basically crap and that women need to realise that if a guy is really into you - he'll ask you out. That even if perhaps they are nervous, they like the challenge and will some how work out a way to try and be with you - letting no job, sport or mountain get in their way. No ifs or buts...
Actually it's a pretty liberating philosophy. There are guys that I'm either interested in romantically, or not. In no way does it lessen the way that I value them - and hopefully vice versa. Ironically (because it comes from the worlds viewpoint and not a biblical one - but on second thought maybe it's a worldly viewpoint because there is a fundamental biblical truth to it!) it also frees me up to be feminine in the way that, I think, God intended me to be. I don't have to do, question or try and read into anything because the guy who is interested, will be the one who does something about it.
Which will lead me to #3 soon...