Single for God or for good?
But it has also given me the impetuous to write a series of posts that I've been thinking about for a while now, but have just felt a bit too self conscious about to make public. In last few months I've had a number of people ask me the question "Why are you single?". To be honest , it's surprised me that people are curious but since there are reasons (some better than others) I thought I'd put them down.
So here goes - post #1: Once bitten - twice shy
Warwick kept on using the image of superglue; that relationships are sticky and things become very raw when they get ripped apart. He was using it in specific reference to sex - but I think it goes beyond that. I think that (perhaps) God designed us to be with one person emotionally as well as sexually. That the reason why break-ups hurt so much is because they were never supposed to happen in the first place. That with each relationship that ends, a piece of you has been left behind too. And because once you've had the experience of a broken heart, it's a pain that you will go to many lengths to avoid ever happening again.
And although I have a heart that is mended, I'm cautious about who I would want to offer it to again. I like my heart - no, more than that, I value and respect it so I'm happy to wait for someone to show it the same amount of value. So that's one reason...
At 12:11 pm, Lachlan Payne said…
I've always thought the ol' "Why are you single?" was a bit of a pick-up line.
At 4:53 pm, jodi said…
Oh really? I'll keep that in mind depending on who asks me next time!
At 5:26 pm, Lachlan Payne said…
If it's "How are you still single?" then it's a definite green light.
At 12:21 am, Anonymous said…
Ha Ha.
It's such a random thing "singleness". I've given up asking that question of others, and had given up asking it of myself (up until changes in status last year), because I know far too many top-quality singles, and just as many married whackos!!!!!
Oh, and Jodi did you mean that the talks gave you the "Impetuous" or the "Impetus"?
At 9:26 am, Louisa Claire said…
Great post Jodi!
and now that I've commented on your last 3 posts, I'll leave you & your blog alone for a little while....
At 9:53 am, jodi said…
Goldy - hopefully I wont be writing anything to rashly or violently - so I'd say I meant 'impetus' (darn spell checker never works properly!).
And Louisa your comments are always welcome (esp the prayers) - but as per one of them, I'll go and add a little update/response on each of them for you.
At 10:01 am, Anonymous said…
jodi, I dont think you're alone in that feeling, i certainly felt that way for a lot of last year...
At 10:16 pm, Katie said…
I've had too many long-term (well, more than a year at least) relationships fail for me NOT to be cautious! I totally empathise with that sentiment as it is something I think about myself every now and again (but not too often if I can help it). But I wonder if that little bit you lose with each relationship that fails can be retrieved somehow...
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