for those who don't want to just wait it out

like the song says this is a blog for someone who wants to say something (anything) and who's happy to wait and see what time will bring...

Tuesday, January 09, 2007

Start Spreading the News...

Well, I'm not quite leaving today because, let's face it, I'm already 'here' but I do feel as though I've been a part of it since Saturday when I arrived in NYC.

So far what I'm going to be walking away with is the people. Obviously spending time with old friends (like Justin here shown reading a bed time story to "The Boy) but also getting a glimpse into the lives of some others. On Sunday night I went a little out of my comfort zone and sat down to a Mexican dinner with 6 complete strangers. I didn't know a single person on the table. The way we met was through Christ Church NYC (where most of them attend regularly) and since Justin was busy after the service I tagged along with them. And I am so glad that I did!

Have you ever had a meal with strangers? Ever had to work your way into a conversation amongst a group of established friends? For many (like myself) it's not an easy thing to do - but as the night went on I was able to learn about these people; what excites them about life and their walk with God; why they make the decisions they do to affect where they fellowship and how they try to stand out in a culture that is all about how you can make your life more comfortable than the next persons.

This has kind of been brought into the forefront of my mind because tonight, Laurel and I watched "The Devil Wears Prada" - a movie that I've wanted to see since it came. The screen writers have shown incredible perception when they unveil the slow and steady decline of 'Andy' (main character) into a world of self-absorption and decision making that comes with detriment to others. If you haven't already seen it - go get it out on dvd because it really does show you something about the selfish state of a superficial and sinful human heart.

But back to my dinner. The humbling thing is that, although not directly by name, these were the people that I have been praying for since the Moffats moved over here. Like may others I'm sure I've been praying for them and their ministry and the growth and maturity of the church - so it was a real blessing to spend time with them and be a little better informed about their lives as well as to see the congregation in action.

Don't get me wrong, the sights (and shopping) have all been great and I've had a wonderful time wandering around - but since it's mostly been about the people, I'll leave you with a shot of "The Girl" (isn't she gorgeous???) and I'll put some scenic/touristy photos and stories up on the flickr later.


  • At 6:46 am, Blogger Justin said…

    Blessed to have you with us, Jodi. We hope you made the plane!!


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