for those who don't want to just wait it out

like the song says this is a blog for someone who wants to say something (anything) and who's happy to wait and see what time will bring...

Monday, June 05, 2006

For your amusement and interaction

Ok - let me set the tone for you... I don't hate needles per se (tattoos and piercings attest to that fact) but I do HATE having blood tests. In a moment of weakness four years ago I was manipulated into donating blood and vowed never to do it again as I literally felt the life getting sucked out of me.

But last weekend I was talking to my sister and she told me how she goes every quarter and I felt a little ashamed. Sure, I hate it but doing it helps God's creation and people. I felt convicted that I needed to get over myself and my discomfort and do something for someone else.
So, this afternoon I trudged through the rain (with another trusty Credo snr student - Glenn) to the mobile blood bank at Ultimo's TAFE. As I settled in to lie down I started chatting with the woman who was taking my blood. The conversation went a little like this:

(her) so what are you studying?
(me) actually I'm not studying but I work with a Christian group at UTS doing ministry full time
(her - groaning) oh don't tell me your one of those stupid fundamentalists who take the bible literally are you?
(me - shocked/angry/nervous that she was going to burst one of my precious little veins) uummmm, yeesss - yes I am...

The next 6.5 minutes of this vampire like process just brought about more confrontation and accusations from her. I'm now lumped in with the rest of those crazy people who have repressed women (huh? what? me???!!!), alienated the homosexual community and divorced women - blah blah blah...

The thing that ticks me off the most is that fact that it is my faith, my fundamentalist (shall we say evangelical?) faith that persuaded me to go so that I could do something small to help my Lords human beings.

So, my interactive poll for you is this. What do I do now?

a) send as many Credo students as possible in to see her telling her that they're there because they want to help serve God's people/creation
b) write to the Red Cross and tell them what some of their staff are doing and saying to people (esp in light of the fact that the Red Cross was started as a Christian mission movement to serve those in need and that most of their board members are involved in churches)
c) get over it

(PS - part of my motivation for this poll is to see who is reading this blog. I've been hearing from ppl lately that they are, and yet none of you say hello! :( .Pls do so now - even if you think i know - as you influence this poll!)

(PPS - go donate blood. Other people need your blood. my experience will not stop me going again in ten weeks time)

(PPPS - update - please esp say hi even if we've never met. Just got an email from Woody saying that someone in NY at Moff's church came up and asked him if he knew me because she's been reading my blog...that's kinda cool!)


  • At 8:25 pm, Blogger Di said…

    those bloody donations...

    Good on you for giving blood, and standing by your faith despite the fact that she was about to stick a needle in your arm!

    re the poll, I'll go with option d)Remember the confrontation with joy, as you stood up for God. Plus who knows, perhaps God used you more than you think. She may have gone to bed thinking about the things you said...

  • At 9:02 pm, Blogger Angela Dorizas said…

    e) Pray for her (Perhaps she's been treated badly by the church or other Christians in the past)

  • At 9:10 pm, Blogger jodi said…

    i love you girls... wisdom abounds...

    rest assured for any other people who read this and wish to post - i was praying for her this afternoon. and based on the way she was talking i'm pretty sure that her bitterness was directed at being mistreated by 'the church' (she said she was from a strict catholic background)

  • At 9:27 pm, Anonymous Anonymous said…

    well, we all know i read this post as often as i tell myself hanson has talent. having said that, i know you read mine, too, jodi.

    the activist side of me wants to go for option (b) as well, though i firmly concur with di and ange.

    i feel like i'm the only catholic who doesn't have issues with the church?

  • At 10:03 pm, Anonymous Anonymous said…

    Keep praying!

    Though i think more of us credoites should head over and chat while we're giving blood...see if we can't share more life-saving stuff than just blood!

  • At 10:43 pm, Anonymous Anonymous said…

    I choose a) and b)

    As well as prayer and responding in joy (as others have suggested ahead of me) as these two verses came to mind:

    "But I tell you: Love your enemiesand pray for those who persecute you" Matt 5:44

    "Jesus said, "Father, forgive them, for they do not know what they are doing." Luke 23:34

    As you have already acknoweldeged, prayer for her is a good thing.

    Love it how God works - doubt you expected such a conversation to occur when you walked in today - and so repsond in joy as you get to be a part of His good work! :)

  • At 12:25 pm, Blogger Trinette said…

    f) all of the above?
    I hate making decisions - it's probably why I was never any good at mutliple choice exams! :)

  • At 4:19 pm, Anonymous Anonymous said…

    I am reading your blooog... But only to check myself out on the soccer photos... Wow... And to see you openly profess your jealousy for a creature that is in freezing cold temperatures 24-7...

    On your poll I would choose a) and c)...
    Send people and tell them to influence, not only blood takers but EVERYONE for the good of the Gospel..
    and also get over it... We are to expect persecution.. Take encouragement from it.. If you are being persecuted for your faith then you know you are becoming more Christ like... And that is something to take encoragement from

  • At 4:25 pm, Anonymous Anonymous said…

    That was me... Marson... rather than Cip-dogg or buckley

  • At 6:08 pm, Anonymous Anonymous said…

    hello :)

  • At 6:09 pm, Anonymous Anonymous said…

    haarige Köpfe sind smelly Köpfe.

  • At 6:10 pm, Anonymous Anonymous said…

    Känguruhs sind yummy zu essen.

  • At 5:34 pm, Blogger JT said…

    When you've only got a few minutes, what can you do except be gentle with her, and tell her what you actually believe about 1 or 2 of those things? It's not personal, she doesn't even know who you are. But she can see what you stand for as you give her a kind honest word, even if she can't hear you through her own prejudices.

    But you never know, maybe she will hear something?...

    I think more contact could only be a good thing.


    P.S. - Good to be back!

  • At 10:12 pm, Anonymous Anonymous said…

    I say option a and b ... although i don't think b would do much so maybe not that one. Also, i feel i must congratulate you on your bravery on actually going! I HATE needles and would need a huge amount of peer pressure and guilt in order to be persuaded into going to give blood.

  • At 12:05 am, Blogger Robbo said…

    I say C. Get over it since they are simply civilized vampires.

  • At 5:14 am, Blogger Bronwyn said…

    Hi Jodi,
    not sure if you remember me (as Bronwyn Marriott - from years ago!), but I saw your comment on Scott's blog and thought I'd leave you a note. Great news that you're doing student ministry in Australia! I'm back doing full time student ministry too - but in California (wierd!).

    I feel your pain (and confusion) about the blood donation thing. I had a similar experience here. The nurse wasn't hostile, but not interested/approving. At the end of the donation she said "thanks honey - you did a good thing today: you saved a life". I left thinking - actually, we're in the business of saving lives too - we have a lot more in common than you realise :-)

    Anyway, just wanted to say Hi!

  • At 12:50 am, Anonymous Anonymous said…

    I'm with Robbo {(c) Get over it} but half of my heart says Pray for her as well. But my mind says write a letter. And after typing this response..while pondering, I'll say all of the above :-)

  • At 2:08 am, Anonymous Anonymous said…

    Good question,
    I do try & check your blog a couple of times a week, but it slipped by me this week...
    I was thinking of a), but I guess my hope is that people might do a) anyway. God willing, people are looking for chances to chat & share.
    Otherwise, I guess prayer for her is a good thing. I'm sure if she got in trouble for having said stuff to you that day, it would only enforce her current stereotypes.

    I'm happy to hear that you stuck to your guns & sad to hear of someone so needlessly hostile!


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